home sweet home!

Made it back OK but for being unable to land in Florence. They took us to Bologna instead then gave us a free bus ride back to Florence. Two hours of my life I want back!
Nice to see the lights of the boats on the sea at night.

and winter came…

We finally got snow on the mountains here about a week ago, and now all of the sudden it’s approaching 0° (C) in the mornings. Since my roomate just fractured his shoulder skiing I have to go back to the Vespa. It’s bloody cold!!!

I know this is boring…I guess the point was it’s been abnormally warm and dry this winter. But now it’s here.

Cool video

My friend made this. You can see my street in it…



So it seems I will be a shut-in today. The weather is not being kind. It’s not too bad now, but by tonight it will be pretty nasty out there.

Happy christmas people!


October already?

Saffa came for a visit last week. GREAT time!!! There are no good photos 🙂

We went to Collonatta. Just go back a few entries and you can see the pics 😉
We rented him a scooter for 2 days…we also found a bike named Lisa…We found her unlocked and with a non-functioning front tire. Saffa was a trooper and rode around like a fool 😉 It was awesome!

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I’m moving into a new flat in November! Great sea view!!! I’m excited.


Cinque Terra!

Went to Corniglia, Vernazza, Manarola and Riomaggiore (in that order) this weekend.

Good trip. Made the walk from Corniglia to Vernazza…bit of a rough trek, but we made it!

Carrara Marble Cave and Roman bridges…

Yesterday I got a sunburn and trespassed  in order to take photos 🙂

The cave was much neater than I expected. Note to tourists…Go for the tour!!!


Canevando – Sunday – Verona – Monday

So Saturday we started at 10am. You walk to 6 different vineyards, and they give you food and drink at each one. Lovely area….Way too hot and bright. By the end I was kind of burnt, but it was a great time nonetheless. Good people. Good drinks. Good scenery. Fantastic. Looking forward to the next one!

and then on Monday we stopped in Verona for lunch. I had not been there, but I will go back! I think Id like to see an opera in the amphitheater.




Juliette's balcony (allegedly)

Juliette’s balcony (allegedly)

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Oh my. What formatting!!! Not gonna fix it 😉


Saturday afternoon

After Maristoca we met the others in some town that I cant remember the name of 🙂

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This weekend took a trip with Daniele, Jenny, Leo, Maristella, Toto and Anna.

Here is part1.
Left Saturday morning, and had lunch in this town. Was very charming. The climb wasn’t as bad as it looks. I was worried I wouldn’t make it, but it turned out ok 🙂

There will be more pics in the next days!

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