pollice verde=green thumb
I’m endeavouring to learn a new word every day. My plants are dying.
There’s a free kebap in the office, but I have a 1 kebap per day rule 😀
pollice verde=green thumb
I’m endeavouring to learn a new word every day. My plants are dying.
There’s a free kebap in the office, but I have a 1 kebap per day rule 😀
Italy convicts 23 americans in CIA kidnapping.
So Obama show us you’re different from Bush and stand up for justice…or else don’t ever ask another country to extradite again.
I think I’m off for a kebap again…mmmm. My attempted rant about putting chips into a kebap was apparently out of line. The italians tell me they’re supposed to have chips in them. hmmmm. Culture clash.
I’ve just noticed that three of my facebook friends profile pictures originally had me in them, but I got cropped. I’m not sure what that’s a sign of. Do people just look good when they’re standing next to me? It can’t be that I make them look better by comparison because I was cropped…I’ll have to ponder this over my kebap with chips and katsup.
so I broke down and got a kebap on the way home (that’s how they spelled it in this shop). Click here for alternate spellings…
it contained some new things…as in chips (fries), katsup, and mayo…the chips tasted like fish so as a whole it sort of reminded me of a filet-o-fish from the land of golden nuggets. ewwwwww
Got registered today…I guess I’m sort of officially Italian now. Stopped in the vodafone store to see about a phone and one girl there spoke english and told me to come back tomorrow as her shift was almost over. I will try to do that in the late morning when it won’t be too busy…Then I’ll have a phone.
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