New Year 2008

OK…so I spent the week in Bordeaux…I thought my flight was last Sunday, but it turned out to be Saturday…
I thought my flight back was Sunday, but it turns out that it’s Saturday…I found this out today on a fluke…Good thing I accidentally checked…

So the week in review…Saturday…leave cold Frankfurt and arrive in semi cold Bordeaux…
Watched Barton Fink…discuss which characters actually existed in the movie…discuss whether writers are really interesting…they think they are, but they just aren’t…some writer also thought this and wrote Barton Fink…there’s got to be some analogy about circular logic at work, but I just can’t come up with it…

The Coen brothers are genius, and I always find that I don’t really like their movies on first viewing, but I always end up watching them a second time and only then do I appreciate them…am I alone with this response…anyone else feel the same?

New Years eve…
go to some Danish restaurant….invent whiskey wine…take advantage of the fact that it’s some guys first night and just decide to serve myself….
good night with a yank, 4 swedes, a brit, a german and an irish…
actually wore a tie for the first time in a while…Had to wear brown shoes though…all I had with me…

Wed…experienced French Cinema for the first time…
I’ve secretly been compiling a pro and con list of “the French” and finally have an item in the pro column…the French love of cinema has caused them to release first run films in English with French subtitles…Thank you France! Unfortunately some of the movies they do this with are absolute crap…I don’t even know the name of the movie I saw, but it had marky mark, Robert Duval and the guy whose last name if of a city in Arizona….yeah the one that didn’t die….and that chick from that other movie that had Denzel washington in it….
if you actually know the name of that movie just pat yourself on the back…No need to actually send me the Title…
OK nevermind…the title is We Own the night…WTF!!!! anyways I had to find this quote from some reivewer via Rotten Tomatoes cuz it sums it up:
It couldn’t have taken seven years to write a screenplay this leaden and uninspired. Surely something like this could be churned out in a weekend.

says it all…if Scorsese had done this it would have been twice as long and 143% as good…but alas it wasn’t…they did have Opera playing in the cinema before the film started. At least that was a plus…

Unfortunately the best pics of the week come from a wicked night of bowling..

Yesterday we went to Saint Emilion…Outside of Bordeaux…It’s your basic wine tourist town…Good for a day though for sure…Played chess in a wine bar/Internet cafe…Kind of strange to find an internet cafe with with an 1800€ bottle of wine though…I should probably be impressed at your wine collection, but I just can’t…

More pics of last week by clicking here…or there or there….

Sometime after this week I will have discovered that my camera has an auto focus…I’m apparently just refusing to use it…

Out of context quotes from the week:
Sanne: You bowl like a unicorn…
Sanne: You’re a hot whitey…
Sanne: You make me wanna pee…


no entry for well over a year…this is even worse than that time…

OK so spent another weekend in France…it rained…and rained…Looking at the muddy river in bordeaux really made me think of the Coos Bay waterfront. miss it from time to time….

the food in France is really quite amazing…expensive, but I think really really good….

this also goes for pastries…Woe be to those (can one say that 😉 who hit the Saturday/Sunday markets for pastries….Good lord that raspberry tart thing was bloody amazing!!!! Even after sitting for about 24 hours unrefrigerated…

I miss the sweet sweet sound of the chicken dance….The chicken was liberated from the Cambridge or Oxford, or Chelsea Arms, or Buckingham Palace or the fox n Hound or whatever the name of that English pub was…

scrubs v. stewardess uniforms

some kid in france with a skateboard said Merc (mersss) to me…it’s like when the germans say tschü instead of tschüss…this is my green light to start using “au”
see this page for explanation

watched the whales v. Japan rugby game…before the game I thought whales were intelligent creatues that should be appreciated and valued, but after the game I think they should be destroyed by any means necessary…even it means eating them….viva japan!!!!!
oh wales….heh……nevermind….

SO back from bordeaux…had a great time…will put most of the pics on thier own page….but here’s a few…
please read the uncylopedia page on france…. 🙂

500 emails since Wednesday evening and only 4 were from people I actually knew…about 6 were legitimate spam that I agreed to and the rest were actual spam…this is crazy…..

Which is the more unflattering uniform on women….scrubs or stewardess uniforms…discuss….

So when you’re asked to fight a war that’s over nothing
You know it’s best to join the side that’s gonna win

(Bright Eyes)

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