There is but one class of human with less credibility than the Onion…a.k.a The Onion made me giggle.

Spent today listening to Nick Cave…Haven’t heard 15 feet of pure white snow for a while (actually I think I only heard it once)…still need to know how many meters that is… Why are they using feet in Australia….Hurry up and change to the metric system please…

So the difference between muslims and christians is that Muslims actually follow their “Holy Book”, whereas Christians seem to ignore the parts about women keeping their heads covered, not having short hair, R2D2, not speaking in church, being submissive to their husbands etc. some muslims actually still follow those rules…Boba Fett…where? I have to at least respect them for that if nothing else…personally I am only in favor of excessively covering women up if they’re chewbacca ugly…. so now that I’ve just defended muslims and called christians hypocrites (except for the Amish) here’s a little something to bring all my muslim readers down a bit…

maybe I’ll get a jihad on my ass….how cool would that be…me and salmand rushdie…

I think I just spelled his name wrong…so from now on I’m going to jst call him salmon rush-D.

I mean to type yoda…I know the difference between yoda and oder…

my english gets worse the longer I stay here…which is funny cuz my deutsch is also getting worse the longer I stay here…

i was accused of speaking italian english today…because of this sentence I put in an email:

I think I crash early tonight…

Ok on closer inspection I guess it’s a little rough, but I can blame all the new words in my head right? Orgasmus…Ostess….

the english degradation thing is apparently not just me…

other non German’s say it happens to them too…funny thing that….

People at the office ask me to proof english mails and letters for them and I usually have to make changes several times because I’m a bit out of practice or something…I used to be such a cunning linguist.

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