cunning linguist!

Someone from wordreference linked to my site…(…haha….ummmm….I’m not sure if this is a proud day or not…but it’s kinda funny!
Note to self – try to make more sense when writing 😉

and continuing the dribble from the past few weeks….Two articles I enjoyed today.

death and politics…

Has Angie considered just trying to make an example out of greece? Could that be better for long term health of the E.U.?
I suppose that would mean the banks are taking a close to 100% cut instead of 70% (after devaluation and default), but it would send a signal…it would only be a few days of panic 😉
<UPDATE> Here’s Monti (our PM) talking about the EU:

Looks like the “Socialist hero” aka “The great leader” is backtracking on contraception…that’s BS!
There’s your single best way to reduce abortions (which the americans are so concerned about). I guess it’s not abortion they really care about…it’s the pill?!? REALLY???

all over the place….

AND completely unrelated….For the americans with curious minds and an interest in politics…

and my favourite…a conservative writes in 2006


Good (and long) article on the economics of manufacturing…. (updated)

My impression is that a lot of americans think manufacturing is the key to america being “on top”…If I agreed with that premise (I don’t think american should be on top of anything) I don’t think manufacturing is their path forward…
I wish people (and the discussion, politics etc) would move on – and besides I think America already makes more “stuff” (shit, junk etc) than any other country…

I’m not a fan of protectionism (that’s not what the article is about, but those were the dots I connected)…Probably for different reasons than a lot of people (at least people in the states). I see it as the quickest route to worldwide equality…and in 200 years we can all have the same opportunities, education, culture, and language 😀

UPDATE: By complete chance I heard this today…Fills in the story a bit more. Funny and interesting about an american storyteller who went to some of the apple factories in China to talk to people. I don’t mind child labour in third world countries (as noted at towards the end), but he seemed to. Anyways, if you actually read that article you might find this interesting to get yet another piece of some puzzle.

You can either click listen to stream the podcast or click download to save it for later or listen on your MP3 listening device…

more Euro zone stuff to read…

and the award for irony goes to….

I think these are all from the same speech, but I got them from two different articles, so maybe it isn’t. Front row seat to a revolution??? Let the fun begin!!!

Poland’s Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski made an appeal for Germany to show more leadership in the crisis.
“You know full well that nobody else can do it,” he said in a speech in Berlin on Monday evening, referring to efforts to save Europe’s monetary union.

“I will probably be the first Polish foreign minister in history to say so, but here it is,” Radek Sikorski said in Berlin. “I fear German power less than I am beginning to fear German inactivity. You have become Europe’s indispensable nation.”

“The biggest threat to the security and prosperity of Poland would be the collapse of the eurozone,” Poland’s Sikorski said Monday. “And I demand of Germany that, for your own sake and for ours, you help it survive and prosper. You know full well that nobody else can do it.”

…the democracy of the markets dictates we must prepare:

and it’s a couple hours after I posted that, but I stumbled on this…also mentioning irony. I want bonus points 😉 (click the links in the article if you want to read more)

I predict a repeat of TARP 2008…If I recall it was first rejected…markets crashed and then TARP was re-voted on…well done politics…Nothing in Europe will happen until we’re all well past crisis point.
I still don’t think Italians “get it”…Nor do a lot of americans, but they can’t even be bothered talking with after some point…
Not that I’m cheering that I’ll be right, quite the opposite in fact…but I have no say in anything.






well, it’s a sad day when an administration can’t rip up the constitution as well as torture it’s own citizens…

Wait…that’s sarcasm…

I’ll be interested to see how that turns out. I assume there’s a lot more detail to come. The soldier would have immediately stated he was a US citizen. Did the torturers/contractors just not bother to check out his story?
I like the part about being dumped at Baghdad airport and left to find their own way home…Where is the tea party in all this (and the whole Bush II administration)?

Not being a legal scholar I’m not sure how the constitution applies to US citizens in a warzone. I assume it should still apply esp. when in US custody, but maybe that’s a legal out for Rummy, Bush et al…
However, I would hope that if another country treated US citizens like the US treats it’s own citizens then someone in my govt. would be pissed!

Bloody (F*cking) commie bastard!!!

aka RINO…How far right has america moved?
don’t bother answering that…I know.

Mark O. Hatfield
July 12, 1922 – August 7, 2011

I think the last person to get their birth and death dates listed here was Avis Squires…





There’s center right and there’s right right…

On the day after election day 2008 I remember trying to temper the Europeans enthusiasm with comments about how Obama would be a center-right candidate anywhere else in Europe (they were quite ignorant and silly about the election and the candidate)…And now two and a half years in I have to change that to Obama is a right-right candidate. America is so far to the right and out of the realm of reality that it’s just ridiculous now…Oh well…

On a slightly unrelated note:


By all means dispute it with facts…


solipsistic twits

Two good articles…
well if it says “Yes. This is real.” then I know it is… 😉 No matter…I want one…

I’m about to make an obvious observation, but I haven’t seen it anywhere else yet (but just cuz I haven’t seen it doesn’t mean smarter/dumber people than I have already said it – I’m sure they have)…
There are a lot of states with open primaries (meaning people of any party can vote in the primary). Since I don’t really expect Obama to receive a serious primary challenge, that means a lot of dems/independents will cross over and vote for… (gasp) Mitt Romney. I assume that’s the point of his lately moderating positions (on climate and health care)…Mitt will win his parties nod and there will be a semi serious 3rd candidate that gets into double figures (10%) from Mitt’s right…Obama wins! I don’t foresee myself going to an embassy to vote, but if I did I would just blindly vote to Obamas left…

and and mom you should get a gmail account. There’s no reason to use the email address from your ISP (meaning WVI, AOL etc)…you need an email account that you can keep no matter where you’re getting your internet service from…

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