
I’m not sure if I said this and I can’t be bothered to read back, but the Polish people were fabulous and so hospitable…Cheers to them!!!
other memories…
Shots for the Scorpios!!!!
me trying to convince the room (anyone within earshot) that a kung fu/horror movie would be the greatest genre ever.
to a German the Polish equivalant of “thank you for calling the 5 star Grand Hotel in Sopot. How may I help you?”
Sounds something like:
“krzchssy grolck %$&””!???”

Sitting at the airport waiting for the plane…
Fred K: Joe…Do you know what time it is..:
me – Looking around frantically for a clock:….uhhh…no sorry….It’s probably about 7:45
Fred K: No Joe…It’s time to burn this mother down!!!

Geez Fred…I thought you were a suit ;)…apparently “let’s burn this mother down” was the most memorable phrase from the week…I get credit…

after a Team building exercise where everyone “cheated’ we were asked to write down our thoughts….as the pieces of papers were read this is basically how it went

etc….I was the one who wrote italians….So proud….One of the Italians said “who wrote that” I said me and he came over and shook my hand…I like every Italian I’ve met so far…

Gdansk is a lovely city…I would certainly go back again…

So here’s some pics…Many more coming in the coming days…This is just a short placeholder.
and yeah I know I have the same expression in every shot that I took myself…It’s just slighlty emberassing to use a cell phone to take pics of yourself…

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