I’ve been thinking lately how I generally lack substance (just look at this page 😉 )

anyways I think I’ve really touched (positively or negatively) very few people in my life…now granted…that isn’t necessarily how one should or could define a successful life, but isn’t that some part of it?

…but then I was thinking that not only am I fairly unsubstantive, but I don’t really know anyone who is…sorry to all my friends, who make me laugh, cry, love, etc, but is anyone doing great things now-a-days? (ok is anyone doing slightly better than mediocre things?)

Should I feel better that I’m not worse than anyone else I know…

OK I’m probably going to feel bad about this entry (cuz I may have just insulted everyone I’ve ever met), so that means tomorrows entry will be extra crappy to make you all forget about this one… 😉

quick…someone give me a topic…

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