merlo…the bird…brace yourself this might be the greatest entry ever!

I meant….

So now that it’s warmer I sit every day outside and eat my lunch. There’s this particular bird called a “Merlo” in Italian that is always in the grass outside the cafe. Since I have time to observe I’ve noticed that it seems to have very peculiar (to me) hunting habits. It sort of reminded me of a cat as it’s almost stalking it’s prey. It sort of makes 3 hops and then freezes while I guess it’s waiting for some kind of movement. Hops…waits…Hops…waits…
Not sure why, but I’ve not seen this sort of behaviour from any bird in the states. Or maybe I’m just extra alert and/or observant whilst eating my Pasticci Riso and Red Bull for lunch…

I’m not sure I spelled Pasticci right….

I think it’s time for a focaccia.

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