huh….it’s Friday?!? I finished IQ84

How did that happen? Time has flown by. That’s kind of sad…

I got a ride to the mall yesterday for some help bringing home some supplies that are too big the vespa…Broom, mop, bucket, clothes hanger, kitchen stuff etc etc. Fairly productive month I think 🙂
It’s starting to feel like a home here. Cheers Jenny!

I finished IQ84 today (Haruki Murakami). Its seemed to have gotten a lot more press than any of his previous books.
When I started the book it seemed a bit “flat” to me. I’m not sure if I was affected by reviews and press…I hate that!!!
Anyway, I got into it quickly. It’s not my favourite from him, but I still enjoyed it (all 925 pages), and I didn’t find myself cussing at him as I read the last paragraph (which happens a lot actually 🙂 ). It was more or less wrapped up…(obviously worth noting)

Here’s my review of every Murakami book:

People are confused and/or unsettled by their circumstances.
Strange things happen.
People end up in different places (emotionally and mentally), but are confused by different things than they were on page 1…

I don’t like bragging, but I’m the best book reviewer in the world!

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